7 Movies WWE Writers Should Plagiarize For Bray Wyatt Next

7. No Country For Old Men

Remember once Chris Jericho came back in 2008 and didn’t say all that much? Apparently that scowl was meant to be his impersonation of Anton Chirgurh, the oddly cryptic badass from the Coen brother’s Oscar-winning No Country for previous Men.
What ne'er felt right with Jericho’s try was the very fact he couldn’t get the balance of psychotropic lyricism and righteous evil, a combination that created Chigurh altogether distinctive.
Now, imagine if Bray Wyatt took on it character? exclude the Southern charm of this Wyatt and replace it with a unfunny menace and we’re already hazardously near an honest Chigurh. Hell, Wyatt’s wild eyes and twisted tongue wouldn’t ought to be changed any, particularly seeing as fate and destiny appear to be the topics of the day for each men.
The image of Wyatt holding up a coin and exacting John Cena to decision it whereas Cena begs for mercy may be a tantalising one. We’ll all skills doomed the Cenanation is once Wyatt appearance down on Cena and tells him that he ought to settle for what’s coming: there’s additional dignity in it in any case.