6 Reasons Last Night’s WWE Raw Made You Change The Channel

Squashes And Meaningless Matches

Monday Night Raw boasted eight matches over 3 hours, that feels like a wrestling fan’s dream, however once you hear that 5 of the matches didn’t last 3 minutes, you know it wasn’t a workrate form of show. Seriously, Rusev versus Zack Ryder, Adam Rose versus Titus O’Neil, Jack Swagger versus botanist Axel and a six-diva schmozz match. this might are Wrestling Challenge or WWF Superstars within the late 80s, not Raw in 2014.
And the 3 main matches? we have a tendency to had a tag match between huge Show/Mark Henry and also the Wyatts that resulted in a DQ, a tag match between Sheamus/Dolph Ziggler and Miz/Cesaro that terminated with interference, and also the six-man main event that left things wherever they started, with Cena declaring he’s prepared for his repeat.