13 Wrestlers Who Died In The Ring
Mal ‘King Kong’ Kirk
In the massive begetter era of British wrestling, Daddy, the hero, required to be fed variety of ugly, brutal trying massive villains. As a giant man himself at twenty three stone, associate degree opponent United Nations agency was larger than him would mean that begetter may well be in peril (of course, he ne'er was, as he was engaged as being unbeatable, that was one in all the factors behind the decline of British wrestling on television). One such opponent was Mal “King Kong” church, a twenty five stone hardman from Featherstone in geographical region.
Originally a pitman then a victorious football league player for Featherstone Rovers, wherever he contend thirty eight varsity games, he turned his hand to sport. Originally trying slimmer than he did at the peak of his fame, and with a full head of hair, as “Mucky” Mal church, his best accomplishment was a 1 fall triumph over the legendary electro-acoustic transducer Marini at the Royal prince consort Hall Tournament of 1971. once disbursal the bulk of the middle seventies wrestling in FRG, he came back to the united kingdom, having bulked up to twenty five stone and currently with a beardless head. once being at first referred to as Kojak church, he settled on the nickname of King Kong church because of his currently large size.